Discussing Relationships with Dr. Jeep, MD and Vanessa Naum
Burnout does not happen in a vacuum. It affects all aspects of our lives, including relationships. Tune in to this episode to learn more about how that can happen, what that may look like, and take some time to self reflect. Dr. Jeep [as he is known to his patients] and his wife coach physician couples, and can be found at www.bestfriendsagain.com.
We, as physicians, are conditioned to not ask for help, and if that does not ring true to the reader, congrats! I want to know the secret sauce, and I mean that sincerely! It drives our very being as we are taught in school and residency, even throughout practice, to be objective and let go of the emotional self. Always work through it, no matter how tired you are…whatever ‘it’ is. Push the pause button in life. Step back. While listening to this episode, really reflect and think….does any of this pertain to you as an individual [person] not just physician. It is easy to get lost in a world of work where one is ridiculed for putting the self first in some instances. One needs to have a full cup or refilled cup of coffee prior to being able to put forth the best foot. If that cup is never refilled, that is when a person can hit the danger zone.
Also, I have read Dr. Jeep’s book, “What’s Forever For? A Physician’s Guide for Everlasting Love and Success in Marriage.” I highly recommend it. The book will also give perspective on human relationships, as it is difficult to be vulnerable as a physician, the one who is supposed to hold all the answers, and many times…it is the hardest to admit we don’t, or difficult to ask for help.
Sit back, listen, and enjoy!
Dr. Jeep and Vanessa Naum