The Third Reality

I have had the opportunities to meet many different people in my life. Over the last two decades and then some, I have encountered people who have impacted me even until today. I have taken a different turn on this week’s podcast. I sat down and interviewed Ernesto Nieto and Gloria De Leon, the founders of NHI [National Hispanic Institute] (yes I am half Latina), who have worked with Latino youth for over 40 years. Why would I have them on a podcast regarding physician burnout?

First off, the concept of third reality is amazing. It is, in a nutshell, what is it that you want in your life, what do you want it to look like, and how do you create it? That is Third Reality.

The First Reality is the family/ nurtured state.

The Second Reality is what society imposes on us.

The Third Reality is being the steward of your own ship. This is revitalization. How do we do this? It is a daily process.

Find someone who can help you reach clarity.

Resilience is not about going through rough times, but what are you going to do to pick yourself up and move forward?

You are the picture…and that is very important to keep in mind, according to Ernesto.

They have worked with youth in the Latino community, Ernie grew up prior to the Civil Rights Movement, which impacted his view on the world, and thus prompted the development of future leaders, impacting young minds, building a community that was different than what he and Gloria saw. The concept and approach can be used with the physicians. We can create our own way of how we want to practice medicine. It starts on an individual level prior to being external.

This podcast will be in 2 segments. Both are very informative. Please listen, learn, tell a friend or 2.

The newest book is Third Reality: Latinos at the Crossroads, which will be released later this year.


Discussing Relationships with Dr. Jeep, MD and Vanessa Naum


Dr. Simon Maltais, MD