Unlocking Peak Performance: Insights from Dr. Shai Efrati on The Worthy Physician Podcast
Forget Normal—Strive for More
Identify Your Bottlenecks
Attention Management is Key
The Importance of a Daily Mission
Holding Space for Reflection
The Power of Routine and Discipline
Unlocking Emotional Freedom: Tapping into Healing
What is the Emotional Freedom Technique?
The Role of Trauma in Medicine
How EFT Can Be Used in Everyday Life
Bringing EFT into Medicine
Self-Worth Beyond Medicine

The Essential Role of Meditation in Human Life and How Tapping Practices Fit In
The Importance of Meditation in Human Life
How Tapping (EFT) Complements Meditation
How to Integrate Meditation and Tapping into Daily Life

Reigniting Your Humanity and Passion for Medicine: Exploring Health Optimization with Dr. Scott Sherr
Key Topics:
The Physician's Dilemma: Always On, Rarely Off
What Is Health Optimization Medicine and Practice?
Enter Troscriptions
The Science Behind Tro Calm
Addressing Common Challenges for Physicians
The Importance of Lifestyle Changes
Physician-Led Innovation

Why I Started The Worthy Physician Podcast and Blog
In this blog, Dr. Shah-Haque focuses on:
The Loss That Changed Everything
Burnout, Round Two
The Birth of The Worthy Physician
Breaking the Silence
Lessons from Loss
Moving Forward
A Message to Fellow Physicians
In Memory

Embracing Life's Wealth in Health and Relationships
Together, we'll recognize that the truest riches we can amass are the bonds we forge and the memories we create. So, let's embrace the unpredictable roller coaster of life, cherishing each twist and turn with those who matter most. I promise you'll walk away with a renewed perspective on what constitutes wealth in its purest form. Share this conversation with someone who needs a reminder of the value of health, because when it comes down to it, we truly are all in this together.
What You'll Learn:
1. Why do we prioritize wealth vs health?
2. Outlining what truly matters and why.
3. Optimizing how to thrive in the storm of life.