Mind, Body, and Spirit

In medicine, we cannot just treat a disease. We treat people. Each individual has a complex existence—body, mind, soul, personal experiences that influence the whole being. The best approach is to see the patient as a person, not a disease process.

I sat down with a fellow classmate from medical school, Dr. Anna Esparham, MD. She is commonly known as Dr. Anna, and is a triple board certified physician in pediatrics, integrative medicine, and acupuncture.

Dr. Anna has always been adventurous in her daily practice of life, and in she dives into detail about life, career, and personal experience with burnout and chronic pain.
To say the least, she has an impressive list of accomplishments, including her own spiritual journey that she has had over the last several years that has led her to find her authentic self, which has influenced her career changes/shifts.
-Medicine is time consuming. Make time for yourself. It is self care.

-Who are we as people? It may take this whole lifetime to figure it out. We are more than what we do/ more than just a physician.
-When we become disconnected with our authentic selves, there are consequences.
-Dr. Anna beautifully said, "The more I lost sight of myself the more I lost connection with my spirit."
-"I am like this combo of play spirit and just trying to bring completeness and healing with whomever I become connected with and when I am limited in that capacity, I feel I can’t bring out my true gifts." Don't limit yourself....you limit your potential!
-Trust yourself! You know. This is when the healing truly happens.
Info for Dr. Anna:
Dr. Anna Esparham, MD , founder of Health Is PowHer, Is a
nationally-recognized physician who healed herself from
multiple chronic conditions from near death shock to issues
with chronic pain and autoimmune disease. She is now a
coach helping women learn how to heal themselves for
good. Health Is PowHer's Podcast serves women who want
to learn about how to overcome all the Issues that come
with life. She has conducted several research studies and
Is published In several peer-reviewed medical journals.
She has been featured In the New York Times, Shape
Magazine, Healthy Children, and More!

You can find her at

Dr. Anna Esparham, MD


Finances, Burnout and Medicine


Boundaries….it’s okay to say “no”