Expectations in Medicine and the Brutal Reality

We have all been told not to have expectations.  If they are not present, there will be no letdown.  Yet it is human to hold expectations, and in medicine, they are as high as the stakes.

Communication is necessary when working in a team or with teams. Medicine is a team sport. From physicians to nurses to the janitor, we are all in healthcare to make a difference. I don’t think people go into healthcare to make money. There are better ways with less liability, less intense studying, and less delayed gratification with less debt. A major part of working in a team is communication. I sat down with Ronnie Kinsey, a well-seasoned nurse, regarding expectations in medicine from a physician versus nurse standpoint. These conversations we have had were held in hope to inspire collaboration and making healthcare a better place. Trying to solve the phenomenon of burnout/moral injury will less likely come from the ones who make policy as that is how we got to where we are. It has to come from within—within healthcare and within ourselves. By communicating between as a physician and nurse, it can provide a bridge to work together.

-Clarify items that have been assumed.

-Understand the culture of each other’s role.

-Cultivate stronger collaboration.

Ronnie Kinsey, a well seasoned RN and executive coach, who shares his perspective of expectations in medicine from a nurse perspective and I from the perspective of a physician.  This episode is 1 of a series of 4 where we dive deep into topics surrounding medicine and burnout/moral injury.

Why did we have this conversation?

To facilitate commonalities with those that work in healthcare. To ignite innovation and vigor. To bridge the gap in communication between team members in the delivery of healthcare. What the listener will learn:

Expectations in medicine from different perspectives. The reality in medicine and where it falls short of expectations. Barriers to delivering ideal care. How to pivot.

Connect with Ronnie Kinsey, MBA:




Ways to Show Gratitude


Honoring our humanity and neurobiological needs with Dr. Mary Rensel, MD