Dr. Maha Mohamad, MD: Thoughts from a Fellow

In this episode, I talked with Dr. Maha Mohamad, MD. She is a rheumatology fellow at the University of Kansas-Kansas City finishing her first year. She gives great advice she has integrated into her life, and is still learning, how to combat burnout. One take away point/pearl I loved was to restore your battery—whatever that is. Work with your hands. Have a hobby outside of medicine. Nature is restorative. Make time for it all. It is self care, and that is not selfish. Practice those positive self talks, and if that is difficult, please reach out. Everyone has something positive to offer life. One fantastic point she made was, easy come easy go….it is a work in process. Realize that what is a hobby now may be different from 10 years ago and may change.


Discussing Burnout with a Friendly Pharmacist


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