The Hidden Occupational Hazard

Physician suicide is a hidden epidemic that has been affecting the medical community for years. Physicians are in a unique position where they are responsible for the well-being of their patients while also dealing with their own personal and work-related stresses. This leads to a higher risk of depression, anxiety, and suicide for physicians compared to the general population.

Physicians face a great deal of pressure as they work long hours, handle a high volume of patients, and deal with complex medical cases. In addition to these stressors, physicians are also expected to maintain a high level of professional conduct, provide outstanding patient care, and manage their personal lives. These expectations, when combined with feelings of isolation and burnout, can lead to physician suicide.

The medical community has only recently started to address this issue. It has been suggested that physician suicide is more of an occupational hazard than a health problem, and therefore requires an evidence-based, comprehensive approach. It is essential to acknowledge the problem and provide support to both physicians and medical professionals.


The Secret Occupational Hazard in Medicine


Mental health is health!