To Thine Own Self Be True--Your Authentic Self

We are more than just physicians. We do not have to meet a certain mold. I would challenge the reader here to start breaking that mold be who you are. Bring your authentic self to clinic, operating room, or to the hospital. There is still a way to be you and to be a physician and to be professional. If you like to, if you like glitter, do it. If you like boots or high heels, or you like metal, do it. If it's authentic to you, rock it own it. Don't be shy. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid to be who you are because we're all fascinating people. We have to remember we as physicians people as well. We're fascinating, amazing human beings. Practice self care. You are worth it! Get help if you need it. Delegate things. Screw social norms, molds, and social expectations. You be you.

May you find yourself.

May you connect with your patients more authentically like Dr. Al-Hakim mentioned on the podcast episode, Spirituality and Bringing the Authentic Self into the Exam Room with Dr. Haidar Al-Hakim, and connect with yourself more readily.

You may just start tapping into your super power, which is awesomeness, aside from being a physician.


Boundaries….it’s okay to say “no”


Your Spirit Knows...Discussing all Things Burnout and Creating the Life you Deserve with Dr. Varnado [Dr. V] MD