To thine own self be true…

“To thine own self be true,” is more than a famous quote from Hamlet. A deceased father imparting wisdom on his son is timeless. Unfortunately, life is not a Shakespearean play, and sometimes that is a great thing, considering how many ended in tragedy. Yet, the tragedy in life is echoed, but we have no deceased to impart wisdom on us as living human beings. At times, I find it difficult to process the bureaucracy of medicine—insurance, etc. The loss of patients, colleagues, experienced clinical staff, nurses, and the list goes on, does take it’s toll on physicians. Stay true to your morals/ values/ belief system. If you want to wear a tutu, go for it [referring to Dr. Hampton’s interview]. Stay true to who you are as a person, your emotions, your thoughts. Don’t let being a physician or being in medicine be the only defining factor of who you are. Ideas/comments are welcome.


Interview with Dr. Ha Ta, MD

