Tamaire Ojeda,MHSA, RDN, LD

Tamaire Ojeda [Tammy] has joined me on the podcast discussing nutrition and how it impacts our bodies and mood. There are studies that show food as fuel does impact mood and overall wellness, especially anxiety, depression, etc. She studied at Rio Piedras Campus in Puerto Rico for her bachelor’s in education with emphasis in Nutrition and Dietetics. Furthermore, she did her Master’s in Public Health at the University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus. While there, she increased her background in healthcare service administration. She did her internship at the VA Caribbean Healthcare Systems in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Currently, she is studying to become a chef. She has maintained her love of Latin music with being a Zumba instructor and spreading her love of dance. Today, on Episode 8, her personal testimony of anxiety and how she labeled it and addressed it is a beautiful explanation, especially with incorporating some of what Dr. Bean had discussed during the podcasts on Physiology and Physician Burnout.


Dr. Meghan Hampton, MD


Dr. Robert [Bob] Bean Ph.D.