Love, Light, and Compassion with Dr. Diana Londoño, MD

What we do [all actions] should come from love.

When the world seems like a dark place, be a light of positivity.

Approach all people with compassion.

All the above seems very easy to do, and yet medicine can be a world of stoicism, perfectionism, bullying, etc. During training, we’re taught to put ourselves last. Then, there are physicians who come out like a blazing ball of fire, lighting the world up. Setting off an explosion of positivity and edginess with compassion, and that is Dr. Londono! And in a world where representation matters, she is one of the few female Latinx urologists in the country!

It is okay to question things if they don’t make sense.

Do things with love.

Not only does she practice medicine, but she is also a life coach, founder of, podcaster, writer and dancer!

Dr. Diana Londono is the founder of, where
doctors can get peer support over Zoom 24/7.

She is a certified life coach, and one of the few female Latinx
urologists in the country. She has experienced burnout twice herself!
Because of that, she writes and speaks passionately about wellness and
humanity in medicine on social media and on television.

She says if Physician Coach can pull just one doctor from
the brink of burnout, it is all worth it.

Find Dr. Diana Londoño on these socials:





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