Listening for a good cause!

As humans, we often find ourselves becoming overwhelmed with stress in our day-to-day lives. Many of us turn to various methods for managing stress, such as exercising, meditating, or taking medication. However, one powerful yet often overlooked way to decrease stress is simply by listening.

"Hey everyone, I'm excited to share a special announcement with you today. As you know, the Good Listening Project has been making a positive impact in the medical community, helping people feel heard and valued.

On April 27th, Frankie, our guest, will be hosting a fundraiser to support the Good Listening Project, and I want to invite you all to participate. Whether it's making a donation, spreading the word on social media, every little bit helps.

To sweeten the deal, I'll even be offering some exclusive perks to those who donate, like a personalized shoutouts on the show.

So mark your calendars April 27th, for Just Poetry for Health Equity fundraiser next Thursday and let's come together to support this incredible cause. Thanks for listening, and I'll see you there!"


Frankie Abralind


Reviving the Human Touch: How Poetry Listeners Can Help Physicians Reconnect with the Heart of Caregiving