The Season of Change

Life happens. Life teaches us lessons if we only listen. We have to quiet the mind. We have to shut out the commotion and noise from the outside world. Truly reflecting and looking at what we need to thrive is important. Prioritizing our needs is a must. It is only then, once we know what we need, which usually reflects, hopefully, our core values can we then make authentic decisions.

Change of scary. Change is hard. However, sometimes it is at the point of change where we see the most personal growth. Who we are today is different than who we were yesterday, and more than likely it is different than who we were a decade ago. Honor the change. Honor the process. Congratulate yourself

Change, seasons, personal growth

Unearthing Worthiness: The Hidden Gems Within Us with Dr. Brittany Busse, MD


National Physician Suicide Awareness Day