The Hippocratic Oath

The Hippocratic Oath is a well known oath that has been taken by healthcare professionals such as doctors and nurses for centuries. It is a pledge to uphold certain ethical standards in order to provide the best possible care for patients. One of the lines in the Hippocratic Oath is "If I betray these words, may harm come to me and my family”. So, what is the meaning behind this line and why is it so important?

The phrase “if I betray these words” essentially means that if a healthcare professional violates the ethical principles outlined in the Hippocratic Oath, they will suffer the consequences of their actions. The phrase is a powerful reminder to all healthcare professionals of the importance of acting with integrity and professionalism, and to uphold the oath that they have taken.

The Hippocratic Oath outlines several ethical principles which healthcare professionals promise to follow. These principles include respecting patient autonomy, confidentiality, and striving to do no harm. The oath also includes a commitment to professionalism and empathy towards patients.

Yet, the oath never says that the physician or healthcare worker shall take care of the self…should it be updated? Comment 👇.


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